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Which of the following is non-volatile storage?

Que. Which of the following is non-volatile storage?

a. Backup
b. Secondary
c. Primary
d. Cache

View Answer

b. Secondary

How do you create an accordion?
Easy! As long as you don't have to support IE11 or older browsers you could use <details> and <summary> natively.
What if I have to support IE11 or older browsers?
No worries. The fallback for these elements is quite good. They will display as open. You won't get the open/close mechanism, but you won't lose any content either.
What type of content can I have inside one of these?
Almost anything you'd like. The <details> element allows all flow content, which is basically everything.
How does it work?
The <details> element encapsulates the <summary> element. The <summary> becomes the 'label' for the <details> and acts like a button. When clicked, the attribute open is added to the <details> element, making it display. You can therefore style the open and closed states seperately if you'd like.

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